Rating: 4.00
Location: Long Grove, IL
Founded: 2017
Last visited June 2022
Located in downtown Long Grove, near a scenic wooded area. The interior is bright with light oak walls, tables and chairs. There is a big floor to ceiling window overlooking picnic tables in the back.
They specialize in German and Belgian style beers. Nine beers on tap.
360 Pils (4.25) – Crisp, German-style pils; hint of bittering hops in the finish; well-rounded beer.
42K Belgian Strong Ale (4.75) – Sweet, malty, Belgian ale; slightly fruity; excellent example of the style.
Angelic Helles (4.25) – Crisp, medium-bodied lager. Somewhat malty, sweet character. Light level of hop bitterness, appropriate for style. Highly drinkable German lager.
Bad Move Honey Nut Brown Ale (3.75) – Medium-bodied brown ale with background sweetness from honey. Very nice balance between hop bitterness and malt sweetness. Residual bitterness lingers in aftertaste.
Big Ludwigski (4.50) – Big, bold, sweet Märzen; nicely balanced; bittering appropriate for style.
Bus Wedgie Munich Dunkel (5.00) – Massive malty character, no holding back on roasted malts. Everything that a classic Dunkel should be.
Farmer’s Illegit Daughter Saison (3.50) – Nice healthy, wheat-y Saison; slightly too bitter in the finish.
Great Wit Buffalo Witbier (4.00) – Straw colored and light body, according to style. Choice of hops leaves a slight bitter aftertaste on the palate. Might be a bit much for a proper Witbier, but it grows on you with more sips.
Long Grove Lager Vienna Lager (4.25) – Amber lager full malt goodness. Bold, sweet and properly bittered. Bitter aftertaste lingers somewhat.
Mamet American Pale Ale (4.00) – Medium body ale; Citra hops excellent choice; well balanced and drinkable.
Marrvelous Kölsch (4.00) – Crisp, refreshing example of style; slight bitterness in the finish balances things out.
Muttersholtz Hefeweizen (4.25) – Nicely balanced hefeweizen, big mouthfeel; clove aspect very evident and spot-on for style.
North Star Altbier (4.50) – Malt character large and bold. Sizeable level of hop bitterness, according to style. True example of a German ale.
Red Headed Stepchild Strawberry Blonde (3.25) – Light bodied, easy drinking ale. Refreshing and perfect for summer. Strawberry is evident in bouquet but not at all overpowering.
Scott 72 Irish Dry Stout (3.75) – Big malty character. Minimal hop bitterness, as expected. Dry aftertaste evident. Solid example of style, additional roasted malt would improve this beer.
Sherry Baby Baltic Porter (4.25) – Dark amber appearance. Big and sweet malt character. Low level of hop bitterness, appropriate for style. Smooth and velvety.
Uncle Buddy’s Bock (2.50) – Amber colored German Bock. Far too thin in malt character for a proper Bock. Solid level of malt sweetness. Could be classified as Bock Lite.
Xerxes Stout (3.50) – Full-bodied stout; distinctive smoky character.
Popcorn and beef jerky available for sale.
Hours: Mon-Thu 4-10pm, Fri Noon-11pm, Sat 11am-11pm, Sun Noon-6pm.