Rating: 3.75
Location: Traverse City, MI
Founded: 2023
Last visited: August 2024

Small taproom, concise food menu. The beer is contract brewed at two local breweries, one of which is owned by the brewer’s brother. Cozy atmosphere. Website lacks a current beer list. There were six beers on tap when we visited.


Li’l Kid Session IPA (4.00) – Hazy, pale yellow color. Floral notes in the bouquet. Medium bodied IPA. Fruity character present. Bitterness level not over the top. Well balanced recipe.

Navel Gazing Hazy IPA (4.50) – Hazy, golden appearance. Lots of floral activity in the aroma. Beer has decent malt level in the grain bill. Lots of fruity overtones, mostly grapefruit. Hop bitterness in line with style, properly balanced.

Simple Man Cream Ale (3.25) – Golden, straw colored appearance. Light bodied ale brewed with maize. Lawnmower beer for sure. Very low level of hop bitterness, which is appropriate. Decent example of style.

Uncle Beaver’s Bush Water (3.00) – Light, straw yellow appearance. Very light bodied lager. It has Lawnmower Beer written all over it. Very low level of hop bitterness. Brewed as an homage to the brewer’s uncle, who is a big fan of Busch Light. This beer is a big upgrade over that beer. Big props to the inventive name!

What Would Jesus Brew Vanilla Coffee Cream Ale (3.50) – Golden appearance. Vanilla appears in bouquet. Both vanilla and coffee play big roles in flavor profile. Chocolate notes detected. It was a clever idea to add bold components like vanilla and coffee to a relatively bland beer.

White In Black Coconut Milk Stout (3.75) – Very dark brown appearance, nearly opaque. Sweet character from the presence of milk appropriate for style. Coconut seems to be hidden or overpowered by other stout components. Might be improved if roasted character of a typical stout was more prominent.

Identity Brewing Co

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