Rating: 4.25
Location: Traverse City, MI
Founded: 2015
Last visited: August 2024
Earthen Ales has two locations, the second one is called Tank Space. We sampled beers in both taproomss. The menu is heavy with ales, but the occasional lager pops up. There were 19 beers on tap between the two locations when we visited. There was very little overlap.
Altbier (4.25) – Dark amber appearance. Caramel malt prominently featured. Medium-bodied beer, could use a small boost in the grain bill. Hop bitterness in the background and properly balanced.
EA Schwarz Schwarzbier (3.75) – Dark brown appearance. Beer contains many of the essential components, but is somewhat thin bodied for style. Roasted and caramel aspects evident.
Station Stout (4.50) – English style stout. Very dark brown appearance. Big and roasty malt character dominates. Coffee notes present. Lightly dry aftertaste. Hop bitterness at a low level, as expected.