Rating: 3.00
Location: Boston
Founded: 2018
Last visited: July 2022

Homey, brewpub atmosphere. Tall tables and communal tables, along with a long bar. There were nine beers on tap when we visited.

Worker’s Pint Blonde Ale (3.75) – Medium-bodied ale. Decent amount of hoppiness. Not your lawnmower beer.

Suffragette Belgian Style Witbier (2.00) – Some orange aspects present, but overpowered by some off flavors. No sign of coriander. Would be rejected by any respectable lover of Witbier.

Fly Your Flag Fruited Pale Ale (2.50) – Tart and citrusy, pleasant mouthfeel. Low level of hop bitterness. Might be confused with a Shandy or a Radler.

1916 Rising Irish Stout (3.50) – Malty, roasted flavors upfront. Light-bodied, low hop bitterness. Needs a substantial boost in the malt bill.

There is something here for everyone: starters, salads, sandwiches, and entrees. Kitchen here performs solidly.

Democracy Brewing

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