Rating: 3.75
Location: Greendale and Milwaukee, WI
Founded: 2016
Last visited: August 2021

Great location in the Southridge Mall. Very cool décor with lots of brick, dark woods, black chairs. A wood-burning pizza oven is a focal point next to the bar. Tours offered on weekends for $10. Call to reserve your spot.

For a relatively new brewery, they have an impressive 24 beers on tap.

Lind’s Lime Lager (3.25) – Very light-bodied lager; hint of lime a nice touch; lawnmower beer.

Crocus Polish Lager (3.25) – Light-bodied lager; hint of hop bitterness; highly drinkable.

Saison D’Heure (4.50) – Dry and fruity according to style; lightly hopped, perfectly balanced.

Schnitzel Happens APA (4.25) – Medium body, hoppy American pale ale; excellent balance between malty sweetness and hop bitterness; superb hop aroma.

Tres Tripel (5.00) – Sweet and malty, smooth and powerful; outstanding Belgian ale.

Dulce de Leche Milk Stout (4.25) – Sweetness abounds thanks to condensed milk; very smooth; low hop bitterness.

Livingstone’s Imperial Porter (3.25) – Alcohol punch significant; overwhelms porter character.

Humboldt’s Homeland Hefeweizen (3.25) – Light-bodied wheat beer; nice clove character in palate.

Doppelbock (3.00)
– Amber appearance, malty sweetness evident. Strong alcohol character off-putting. Roasted malt aspects missing.

Full menu with appetizers, soups, salads, signature mussels, pizzas, sandwiches and entrees. Ten burger options include chicken breast, turkey, bison and black bean. One of the heartier options called “The Bomb” consists of bacon, cheddar, provolone, Livingstone Porter, and caramelized onions; wrapped in pizza dough.

The Explorium Brewpub

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