Rating: 3.00
Location: Madison, WI
Founded: 2013

Last visited: July 2017

We visited the small Tap Haus on State Street right near the Capitol in downtown Madison; the brewery is located in Verona, WI. They had nine beers on tap. They offer free brewery tours that you can schedule online; walk-ins welcome.

Beer Frame Pilsner (3.75) – Medium body, robust malty character, medium hop bitterness
S’Wheat Caroline Wheat Ale (3.00) – Light-bodied and wheat-y; easy drinking, approachable ale with little hop character
Badger Club Amber Ale (2.75) – Unadventurous amber ale; malt level is OK
Wiskator Doppelbock (1.75) – Roasted malt character evident; cough medicine aftertaste; very objectionable

Full pub menu of appetizers, soups, salads, sandwiches, burgers and entrees.

Tue-Thu 3pm-9pm; Fri 1pm-11pm; Sat 11am-11pm; Sun Noon-8pm

Wisconsin Brewing Company

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