Rating: 4.00
Location: Traverse City, MI
Founded: 2018
Last visited: July 2024

The brewing operation seems to be in your lap in this medium-sized taproom.. The space has a rustic vibe. There is also an impressive and large patio area, much of it covered. There were 11 beers on tap when we visited.


Cherry Sour (4.25) – Pale red/pink appearance. Light and refreshing. Cherry aspects somewhat subdued, but evident. Tart flavor profile overall. Hop bitterness non-existent, as expected.

German Pilsner (4.00) – Golden color. Medium-bodied lager with an aggressive dose of noble hops. Hop bitterness lingers throughout aftertaste. Smooth, easy to drink.

Hefeweizen (3.75) – Hazy, straw colored beer. Clove and banana character front and center. Low level of hop bitterness, as expected. An extra dose in the malt bill would be helpful. Good example of style.

Silver Spruce Brewing

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