Rating: 4.75
Location: Kansas City, MO
Founded: 2013
Last visited: June 2023

Lively taproom and dining room. Setup is reminiscent of a German beer hall. Biergarten outside. Full food menu, including many traditional German specialties. There were 10 beers on tap, 1 radler, and 1 cider when we visited.

Dunkel (4.75) – Amber colored lager. Light to medium body. Caramel malts add a delightful level of sweetness. Not too hoppy, sits nicely in the background.

Hefeweizen (4.50) – Yellow/amber, hazy appearance. Light-bodied with a trace of hop bitterness. Clove and banana in abundance.

Heim Beer Bohemian Lager (4.50) – Golden, slightly hazy appearance. Bread and biscuit aspects apparent. Malt sweetness an important characteristic. Hop bitterness not a major player here.

Helles (5.00) – Straw yellow appearance. Medium-bodied, fresh, crisp lager. Malt sweetness tastes genuinely German. Hop bitterness properly in balance.

Pure Pils (4.50) – Straw colored lager. Light to medium body, possibly a bit lighter than ideal. Smooth, easy to drink. Good dose of hop bitterness, as appropriate.

Rauchbock (4.25) – Amber bock beer. Medium-bodied and smooth. Smoky aspects evident in bouquet and first sip. Not at all overpowering. Some bock characteristics, like caramel sweetness, are pushed to the back due to the smokiness. 6.5% ABV well cloaked.

Weizenbock Dunkel (5.00) – Amber, hazy appearance. Flavor profile rather complex. Sweet, caramel notes combine with Weizenbier aspects. 7.5% ABV is not overwhelming, but it packs a distinct punch.

KC Bier Co

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