Rating: 3.75
Locations: Boston, MA and Windsor, VT
Founded: 1986
Last visited: June 2022

A massive beer hall, with a long bar and lots of communal tables. Sizeable patio area, with standing areas and games. There were 21 beers on tap when we visited, plus several hard seltzers.

Summer Style NE Blonde Ale (3.00) – Light-bodied, somewhat hazy appearance. Smooth and easy to drink. Fruity character lingers into aftertaste, seems to be too much.

Clown Shoes Rainbows Are Real Hazy IPA (3.50) – Nice, fruity IPA. Nice balance between hop bitterness and malt sweetness. Highly drinkable.

Munich Style Dunkel (4.25) – Big, sweet and malty. Hop character subtle and very much in character for style. Caramel aspects terrific component in flavor profile. Beer is produced primarily because the employees like it so much.

Boston Irish Stout (4.25) – Classic Irish Dry Stout. Roasted flavors dominate.
Low level of hop bitterness, appropriate for style.

Sevens Dark Ale (4.50) – Big, malty dark amber ale. Malt character dominates, but hoppiness comes in with good balancing effects. Could be a cross between a dark IPA and a Dunkelweizen.

Stache Strong Cucumber Lime (3.75) – Both cucumber and lime aspects evident at first sip. Adjuncts not at all overpowering. Light-bodied and refreshing beer. Hop bitterness barely registers.

Georgia Peach Hazy Wheat Beer (3.50) – Straw colored, slightly hazy ale. Peach aspects in the bouquet. Peach character is strong initially, but belnds into the overall flavor. Slight hop bitterness is a nice balance.

UFO White Ale (1.50) – Yellow/amber beer, too dark for a proper Witbier. Orange and Coriander notes evident. Far too malty for this style, needs to be much lighter. The component that kills this beer may be the American Ale yeast used for fermentation. Final product falls far short.

Garten Bier Berliner Weisse (5.00) – Light-bodied Berliner, according to style. First sip yields immediate pucker reaction, as expected. Low level of hop bitterness, appropriate for style.

Harpoon Brewery

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