Rating: 4.50
Founded: 1856
Location: Brugge, BEL
Last Visited: September 2023

Nice outdoor seating area tucked in next to the brewery. We sampled a couple of their beers on this quick visit.


Brugse Zot Blond (4.25) – Straw yellow color. Thick and lingering head. Malt character toned down and citrus is the big player here. Smooth and hugely drinkable.

Brugse Zot Dubbel (4.75) – Deep amber appearance. Beer is full of malty and caramel character. Roasty aspects dominate flavor profile. Saaz hops in evidence, but bitterness does not overpower. Excellent flow and harmony when drinking this beer. 7.5% ABV hardly noticeable.

Huisbrouwerij De Halve Maan

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