Rating: 2.50
Location: Des Moines, IA
Founded: 2011
Last visited: July 2023

Reasonably big taproom with lots of tall tables. Taproom has a very relaxed vibe. There were 27 beers on tap when we visited. Our visit ended with sampling a guest beer. Quite disappointing that the best beer on tap is a beer not made by the brewery.

Homesteaders Ale Farmhouse Ale (2.00) – Hazy, light amber appearance. Beer creates a puckering reaction, which is unwelcome.

Night Shift Dark Lager (1.50) – Very dark amber appearance. Somewhat light-bodied. Totally lacking in roasted character. Hop bitterness nowhere to be found. It is possible that contamination tainted this beer. The beer sample was left unfinished, which is a first for this blog.

Papa Hefe Hefeweizen (3.75) – Hazy, straw yellow appearance. Medium-bodied. Clove character evident. Decent example of style.

Shock-O-Lot Milk Stout (2.50) – Black, nearly opaque appearance. Roasted character evident, but falls a bit short. No evidence of milk aspects. Mouthfeel is definitely not creamy. Could easily be mistaken for a porter.

Speakeasy Pilsner (3.25) – Golden colored lager. Light- to medium-bodied. Hint of malt sweetness, but needs more. Hop bitterness also on the light side. Not a lawnmower beer, but far from a top German Pilsner.

Twisted Vine Brewery

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