Rating: 4.00
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Founded: 2016
Last visited: July 2017

Impressive, 12,000 sq. ft. facility with 200 indoor seats, 50 patio seats, all of which seemed to be filled when we arrived, just prior to a Twins baseball game.

Twelve beers on tap. They host regular events such as live music, trivia contests. Check the website for details.

Kölsch (3.75) – Light, crisp beer with very little hop character; highly drinkable
Raspberry Kölsch (4.00) – Addition of raspberries a nice adjunct; evident in bouquet and subtly present in flavor profile
Golden Tea Golden Strong Ale (4.00) – Beautifully smooth Belgian ale; relatively high ABV subtle, not a punch in the nose; addition of Oolong and Pu’er teas enhances ale style; fruity overtones abound!
Milk Stout on Nitro (4.25) – Velvety smooth stout; beautiful meld of roasted malts; awesome mouth feel – 4.25

Food trucks visit daily.

Open Mon-Fri 12pm-12am, Sat-Sun 11am-12am.

Inbound BrewCo

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