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Second Salem Brewing Company  Website

Whitewater, WI     Last visited:  July 2016

The former location of Novak’s Restaurant and Lakeside Pub.  The building is impressive, with two bar areas, a pool table, as well as a nice patio; it has a wide open feeling.

Super small brewing operation.  Mashing appears to be done in pots on a stove.  At the time of our visit there were five beers on tap.



We found that the food was good, basic pub fare, nothing fancy. On this visit we had the Mediterranean Salad, greens with feta, olives, onions, tomatoes, cucumber, with a slightly sweet tomato dressing, and the Cheese Quesadilla,  the usual blend of cheeses inside flour tortillas, served with sour cream and salsa.

The women’s restroom was disappointing; they were out of soap, and were missing paper in one of the stalls and in one of the two paper towel holders.  It seems strange to run out by lunchtime.  

But overall, it was a good experience and a nice atmosphere.