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Lake Mills, WI     

Founded:  1998


Last visited:  July 2018

Located between Milwaukee and Madison in the small town of Lake Mills.  Small taproom, dimly lit, with six round hightop tables, medium sized wooden bar, walls painted green-blue with dark wood accents.  Beautiful patio. Live entertainment on weekends draws huge crowds.

Hours:  Mon-Thu 4:30-10:00; Fri 3:00-11:00; Sat  Noon-11:00; Sun Noon-8:00. Fifteen beers on tap, six are classified as “Brewers Gone Wild,” higher alcohol beers aged in rum, bourbon, rye, or tequila barrels.


Three Beaches Blonde Ale - 3.50

Helles for Real - 3.75

Fargo Brothers Hefeweizen - 4.75

Headless Man Altbier - 2.50

Bitter Woman IPA - 4.00

Rocky’s Revenge Imperial Brown Ale (aged in bourbon barrels) - 3.75

Chief Black Hawk Porter - 3.75


Food trucks visit on weekends in the summer.  Check the website for details.