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MobCraft Beer  

Milwaukee, WI     

Founded:  2013


Last visited:  August 2019

Nice large taproom in the Walker’s Point neighborhood near downtown Milwaukee.

Some history from the MobCraft website:  In 2011, MobCraft founders Henry Schwartz and Andrew Gierczak dreamt up an idea for a crowdsourced brewery where the people decide what’s brewed.  They quickly outgrew their space in Madison and made the move to Milwaukee, WI in 2016.  

Each month they leverage the power of the crowd to generate ideas for unique craft beers.  Beer fans across the US submit ideas ranging from a couple of flavors to tried and true homebrew recipes.  The ideas go up for vote each month on their website.  Votes are cast by placing a pre-order for the beer they would like to see brewed.  The beer with the most pre-orders wins and is brewed, packaged and available for pickup at the brewery.

Hours are:  Mon-Thu 3-10pm, Fri-Sat Noon-Midnight, Sun Noon-10pm.  Brewery tours offered on weekends.  Check the website for details.  20 beers on tap.



Oddball Kolsch - 4.00

Gier Bier Premium Lager - 3.25

Woo Brew Witbier - 2.50

Vanilla Wafer Porter - 3.00


A few bar snacks, 9 gourmet pizzas available, as well as a couple of desserts.