Rating: 4.25
Location: Milwaukee
Founded: 2017
Last visited: September 2023

One of the best new breweries in the area. It’s a little out of the way, but worth finding. Friendly, knowledgeable staff. Twelve beers on tap. Flights contain generous pours; five (6.5 ounce) pours for only $12.


Festbier (4.50) – Golden, light amber appearance. Bold, unabashedly malty beer. Bready character dominates. Hop bitterness in line. Smooth, easy to drink.

Fur Trader Biere de Garde (4.50) – Mouthful of complex flavors; huge and bold, great mix of hop bitterness and fruity overtones; 7.3% ABV not overpowering.

Gegenpress Dortmunder (3.75) – Sweet and malty lager, aggressively hopped, lingers in aftertaste.

Gruss Gott Hefeweizen (3.50) – Firm malt character; slightly sour overtones.

Maibock (5.00) – Light amber appearance Sweet and malty. Beer packs a punch, but is as smooth as silk. Checks all the boxes for this classic style.

Murdered by Crows Rye Stout (5.00) – Additional rye malt a nice touch to the stout style; roasted character abounds; an excellent stout.

Prenzlauer Berliner Weiss (3.75) – Nice example of style; should be more sour.

Ryed of the Valkyries Dark Rye Lager (4.25) – Rye character is prominent; nicely balanced; lower level of hop bitterness.

Storm & Stress Schwarzbier (5.00) – Tremendous example of style; roasted character dominates; hugely malty and sweet; as good as it gets.

Treffpunkt Kölsch (4.25) – Beautiful German-style ale; lovely malt character; combines characteristics of an ale with German brewing aspects.

Gathering Place Brewing Co

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